Category Archives: run

Morning Scramble

Above the slanted side of the track,
dawn begins to loosen.
A completed interval. 400 race pace.
White clouds emerge against cast-iron sky.
Cracks and segments and seperate.
A completed interval. 400 easy pace.
And as if a finger presses on a thin shell,
clouds shift left, and move right.
A runny yellow drips from the horizon center.
A completed interval: rest.

Hanging onto Fall

photo by e. meeks VIewpoint: street in Magnolia; Seattle, WA
photo by e. meeks
VIewpoint: street in Magnolia; Seattle, WA

Fallen leaves after a rain and wind storm remind me that harvest colors do not stay. Will I still stop mid-run, crouch down on the street and take in this view on a barren winter day? Gone will be the orange, yellow and brown leaves pressed into concrete by an early rain.


photo by e. meeks Viewpoint: Ella Bailey Park
photo by e. meeks
Viewpoint: Ella Bailey Park
Drops of rain pelted the gutters outside of our apartment. The hourly forecast did not show relief from 100 percent showers, and coupled with gusts of wind, I could have easily stayed wrapped in down comforter and immersed in Sunday news.

It took the lure an unscripted running route to get outside. Taking turns on a whim, I found myself in a new section, far from familiar trails of Magnolia’s jewel, Discovery Park. Standing in Ella Bailey park, perched on a hill, I traced lines of gratitude across light, water, skyline and sea for unscripted routes.


photo by e. meeks Viewpoint: A fountain in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle.
photo by e. meeks
Viewpoint: A fountain in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle.

Each time I run the Cheshiahud loop, I look forward to seeing this fountain with its frame bended into heart curves and water flowing underneath. I am encouraged by how it reminds me of streaming promise and restoration; that even under the most hardened frame, there is fluidity and movement.

“And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them. And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” [Ezekiel 11:19]

Reusing a Wine Bottle Top Wrapper: Nuun Tablet Carrier

Switch from cocktail to on-the-go electrolytes with an aluminum wine bottle top wrapper. Small, portable and waterproof, wine bottle top wrappers can pack another use: holding nuun hydration tablets to pop into your water bottle mid-run. This allows you to start out with water but refill and refuel later into your run with electrolytes.

A simple how to:

1. Pick out a nuun tablet flavor. Nuun tutorial

2.  Place nuun tablet into wine top wrap.

3. Fold top corners.


Fish Under Water

Dear Fish Under Water,

What is it like to swim under ruffles of water?
Can you see the cracks of blue sky?
Does the sun warm the scales on your back?
What do footfalls sound like from above?


Runner Above Water